Lists raw measurements of an appliance over a period of time.
The provided interval
must not span more than 24 hours.
The resolution cannot be controlled. The granularity at which we store
measurements varies from appliance to appliance, firmware and
To retrieve raw measurements of hybrid inverters, use the appliance IDs
of the children (battery or PV) appliances.
Listing raw measurements is only supported for appliances of type:
[DEPRECATED] Export appliance raw measurements
Open Recipe
Fields are omitted if the underlying value could not be retrieved from the appliance.
Inverter Measurement
Field Name | Description | Unit |
measuredAt | Time when the data was measured | string as RFC 3339 |
gridFrequency | The locally measured grid frequency | Centihertz |
acCurrent | AC(alternating current) current | Milliamps |
l1ACCurrent | AC(alternating current) current on phase L1 | Milliamps |
l2ACCurrent | AC(alternating current) current on phase L2 | Milliamps |
l3ACCurrent | AC(alternating current) current on phase L3 | Milliamps |
l1ACVoltage | AC (alternating current) voltage on phase L1 | Millivolt |
l2ACVoltage | AC (alternating current) voltage on phase L2 | Millivolt |
l3ACVoltage | AC (alternating current) voltage on phase L3 | Millivolt |
acActivePower | AC Active Power | Milliwatt |
acReactivePower | AC Reactive Power | Volt-Ampere Reactive |
acApparentPower | AC Apparent Power | Volt-Ampere |
dcCurrent | DC (direct current) current | Milliamps |
dcVoltage | DC (direct current) voltage | Millivolt |
dcPower | DC (direct current) pwoer | Milliwalt |
kind | The inverter is used as PV, battery, or hybrid inverter. | string (PV, BATTERY, Hybrid) |
totalEnergyYield | Total amount of transformed energy | Watthour |
internalEnergyUse | Energy used by the inverter internally | Watthour |
battery.capacity | The capacity of the battery | Watthour |
battery.nominalCapacity | The nominal capacity of the battery | Watthour |
battery.stateOfCharge | State of charge of the battery | Percentage |
battery.stateOfHealth | State of health of the battery | Percentage |
battery.temperature | Temperature of the battery | Celsius |
battery.presentCharge | Current charge power of the battery | Milliwatt |
battery.presentDischarge | Current discharge power of the battery | Milliwatt |
Meter Measurement
Field Name | Description | Unit |
measuredAt | Time when the data was measured | string as RFC 3339 |
l1ActivePower | Active Power on phase L1 | Milliwatt |
l1ActivePowerReadingPositive | L1 Active Power Reading (Imported Energy | Watt-seconds |
l1ActivePowerReadingNegative | L2 Active Power Reading (Exported Energy) | Watt-seconds |
l1ReactivePower | Reactive Power on phase L1 | Volt-Ampere Reactive |
l1ReactivePowerReadingPositive | L1 Reactive Power Reading (Imported Energy) | Volt-Ampere Reactive Seconds |
l1ReactivePowerReadingNegative | L1 Reactive Power Reading (Exported Energy) | Volt-Ampere Reactive Seconds |
l1ApparentPower | Apparent Power on phase L1 | Volt-Ampere |
l1ApparentPowerReadingPositive | L1 Apparent Power Reading (Imported Energy) | Volt-Ampere Seconds |
l1ApparentPowerReadingNegative | L1 Apparent Power Reading (Exported Energy) | Volt-Ampere Seconds |
l1Current | Current on phase L1 | Millamps |
l1Voltage | Voltage on phase L1 | Millivolt |
l1ImportPowerLimit | L1 maximum imported power | Milliwatt |
l2... l3... | similar to above description | - |
sumActivePower | Active Power over all phases | Milliwatt |
sumActivePowerReadingPositive | Active Power Reading (Imported Energy) over all phases | Watt-seconds |
sumActivePowerReadingNegative | Active Power Reading (Exported Energy) over all phases | Watt-seconds |
sumApparentPower | Apparent Power over all phases | Volt-Ampere |
sumApparentPowerReadingPositive | Apparent Power Reading (Imported Energy) over all phases | Volt-Ampere Seconds |
sumApparentPowerReadingNegative | Apparent Power Reading (Exported Energy) over all phases | Volt-Ampere Seconds |
sumImportPowerLimit | Sum Maximum imported power | Milliwatt |
sumPowerFactor | Power Factor | Degree |
EV Charging Station Measurement
Field Name | Description | Unit |
measuredAt | Time when the data was measured. | string as RFC 3339 |
l1Voltage | Voltage on phase L1 | Millivolt |
l2Voltage | Voltage on phase L2 | Millivolt |
l3Voltage | Voltage on phase L3 | Millivolt |
l1Current | Current on phase L1 | Milliamps |
l2Current | Current on phase L2 | Milliamps |
l3Current | Current on phase L3 | Milliamps |
realPower | Active Power; Negative means discharging (Vehicle 2 Grid) | Milliwatt |
powerFactor | Power Factor in 0.1% | cosphi |
realPowerL1 | Active Power on phase L1 | Milliwatt |
realPowerL2 | Active Power on phase L2 | Milliwatt |
realPowerL3 | Active Power on phase L3 | Milliwatt |
temperature | Temperature inside the charging station | °C |
capacity | The total capacity of the ev battery | Watthour |
stateOfCharge | The current state of charge of the ev battery | Percentage (0.0 - 100.0) |
maxCharge | maximum allowed charge power | Milliwatt |
minCharge | Minimum allowed charge power, below this power the EV won't charge | Milliwatt |
maxDischarge | Maximum allowed discharge power | Milliwatt |
pluggedIn | Electric vehicle is currently plugged into the charging station | Boolean |