List Appliance's Raw Measurements

Lists raw measurements of an appliance over a period of time.

The provided interval must not span more than 24 hours.

The resolution cannot be controlled. The granularity at which we store
measurements varies from appliance to appliance, firmware and

Listing raw measurements is only supported for appliances of type:

Export appliance raw measurements
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Fields are omitted if the underlying value could not be retrieved from the appliance.

Inverter Measurement

Field NameDescriptionUnit
measuredAtTime when the data was measuredstring as RFC 3339
gridFrequencyThe locally measured grid frequencyCentihertz
acCurrentAC(alternating current) currentMilliamps
l1ACCurrentAC(alternating current) current on phase L1Milliamps
l2ACCurrentAC(alternating current) current on phase L2Milliamps
l3ACCurrentAC(alternating current) current on phase L3Milliamps
l1ACVoltageAC (alternating current) voltage on phase L1Millivolt
l2ACVoltageAC (alternating current) voltage on phase L2Millivolt
l3ACVoltageAC (alternating current) voltage on phase L3Millivolt
acActivePowerAC Active PowerMilliwatt
acReactivePowerAC Reactive PowerVolt-Ampere Reactive
acApparentPowerAC Apparent PowerVolt-Ampere
dcCurrentDC (direct current) currentMilliamps
dcVoltageDC (direct current) voltageMillivolt
dcPowerDC (direct current) pwoerMilliwalt
kindThe inverter is used as PV, battery, or hybrid inverter.string (PV, BATTERY, Hybrid)
totalEnergyYieldTotal amount of transformed energyWatthour
internalEnergyUseEnergy used by the inverter internallyWatthour
battery.capacityThe capacity of the batteryWatthour
battery.nominalCapacityThe nominal capacity of the batteryWatthour
battery.stateOfChargeState of charge of the batteryPercentage
battery.stateOfHealthState of health of the batteryPercentage
battery.temperatureTemperature of the batteryCelsius
battery.presentChargeCurrent charge power of the batteryMilliwatt
battery.presentDischargeCurrent discharge power of the batteryMilliwatt

Meter Measurement

Field NameDescriptionUnit
measuredAtTime when the data was measuredstring as RFC 3339
l1ActivePowerActive Power on phase L1Milliwatt
l1ActivePowerReadingPositiveL1 Active Power Reading (Imported EnergyWatt-seconds
l1ActivePowerReadingNegativeL2 Active Power Reading (Exported Energy)Watt-seconds
l1ReactivePowerReactive Power on phase L1Volt-Ampere Reactive
l1ReactivePowerReadingPositiveL1 Reactive Power Reading (Imported Energy)Volt-Ampere Reactive Seconds
l1ReactivePowerReadingNegativeL1 Reactive Power Reading (Exported Energy)Volt-Ampere Reactive Seconds
l1ApparentPowerApparent Power on phase L1Volt-Ampere
l1ApparentPowerReadingPositiveL1 Apparent Power Reading (Imported Energy)Volt-Ampere Seconds
l1ApparentPowerReadingNegativeL1 Apparent Power Reading (Exported Energy)Volt-Ampere Seconds
l1CurrentCurrent on phase L1Millamps
l1VoltageVoltage on phase L1Millivolt
l1ImportPowerLimitL1 maximum imported powerMilliwatt
similar to above description-
sumActivePowerActive Power over all phasesMilliwatt
sumActivePowerReadingPositiveActive Power Reading (Imported Energy) over all phasesWatt-seconds
sumActivePowerReadingNegativeActive Power Reading (Exported Energy) over all phasesWatt-seconds
sumApparentPowerApparent Power over all phasesVolt-Ampere
sumApparentPowerReadingPositiveApparent Power Reading (Imported Energy) over all phasesVolt-Ampere Seconds
sumApparentPowerReadingNegativeApparent Power Reading (Exported Energy) over all phasesVolt-Ampere Seconds
sumImportPowerLimitSum Maximum imported powerMilliwatt
sumPowerFactorPower FactorDegree

EV Charging Station Measurement

Field NameDescriptionUnit
measuredAtTime when the data was measured.string as RFC 3339
l1VoltageVoltage on phase L1Millivolt
l2VoltageVoltage on phase L2Millivolt
l3VoltageVoltage on phase L3Millivolt
l1CurrentCurrent on phase L1Milliamps
l2CurrentCurrent on phase L2Milliamps
l3CurrentCurrent on phase L3Milliamps
realPowerActive Power; Negative means discharging (Vehicle 2 Grid)Milliwatt
powerFactorPower Factor in 0.1%cosphi
realPowerL1Active Power on phase L1Milliwatt
realPowerL2Active Power on phase L2Milliwatt
realPowerL3Active Power on phase L3Milliwatt
temperatureTemperature inside the charging station°C
capacityThe total capacity of the ev batteryWatthour
stateOfChargeThe current state of charge of the ev batteryPercentage (0.0 - 100.0)
maxChargemaximum allowed charge powerMilliwatt
minChargeMinimum allowed charge power, below this power the EV won't chargeMilliwatt
maxDischargeMaximum allowed discharge powerMilliwatt
pluggedInElectric vehicle is currently plugged into the charging stationBoolean
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